December 10, 2010

  • The Only Cupcake Shop with… a license to serve Liquor?

    That’s what the headlines would say because I am either a genius or just plain crazy. If you were at a bake sale & someone had khalua chocolate cupcakes w/shaved chocolate on top, Vanilla Rum with sprinkles and Butterscotch Schnapps with a caramel drizzle… would you buy it? I am definitely not a sweets person but let me know if this is a bad idea. Minus the fact I don’t have a license to serve liquor lol

    I just need to have my own restaurant and be left to make my own concoctions.

    I was even thinking after a drink my friend had me try at a club to make a creamsicle cupcake (whipped cream vodka and orange soda)

    or maybe a pina colada cupcake with real coconut milk and powder mixed into the batter with rum and the garnish being some shaved coconut on the frosting and one of those lil umbrella’s you get on vacation stuck on top :)

    *sigh* why did I even join the military?

    Actually just did research and of course I’m not the first to think of the alcoholic cupcake but hey, whatevs.

November 19, 2010


      boston terrier               French Bulldog              Pug

       Science shows us that the chemical responsible for a mother/baby bond after birth is a chemical that the body produces called Oxytocin. It is produced in a part of the brain we know as the Hypothalamus.

       When the Oxytocin is released it helps the mother quickly establish the bond and positive feeling toward her newborn. Every time she breast feeds, more Oxytocin is released which further re-enforces that bond.

       I watched a documentary where they said that Oxytocin plays a similar role between dogs and their owners.

    “  To test the theory, blood samples were taken from dogs and heir owners before and during a petting session. ‘We had a basic blood sample before hand and there was nothing. Then we took more at 1 minute and then 3 minutes into the session and you could see this beautiful peak of Oxytocin. The fascinating thing is that the peak of Oxytocin we see is similar to the one we see in breast feeding mothers.”

      Surprisingly, it is not just the owners who are affected. Blood samples taken from dogs reveal a similar burst in Oxytocin.

      The power of Oxytocin’s physiological effect is un-mistakeable. ‘It can lower the heart rate and blood pressure and reduces overall levels of stress. Research indicates that owning a dog can even extend your life.’  “

       In about 5 months, my year-long lease is up at my current place of residence where there is a no pet policy.

       All the science, facts and wonderful chemicals my body will produce as a dog owner aside, ha,  I’m just excited to have a cute and furry companion.

    My Top 3 Breed Choices are:

    1. Boston Terrier
    2. French Bulldog
    3. Pug

    Later on down the road when I have my own home (and hopefully family) I want to make either a German Sheppard, Golden Retriever or St. Bernard an addition to the family. They all love to be active, are not afraid of the water and are good with children, though, the German Sheppard has more of a protective instinct. Which I like.

    German Sheppard        Golden Retriever        St. Bernard

June 29, 2010

February 28, 2008

February 12, 2008

  • Immortality – Milan Kundera

    Just imagine living in a world without mirrors. You’d dream about your face and imagine it as an outer reflection of what is inside you. And then, when you reached forty, someone put a mirror before you for the first time in your life. Imagine your fright. You’d see the face of a stranger. And you’d know quite clearly what you are unable to grasp: your face is not you.

    …We got our names, too, merely by accident. We don’t know when our name came into being or how some distant ancestor aquired it.

    We don’t understand our name at all,

    we don’t know it’s history, and yet we bear it with exalted fidelity, we merge with it, we like it, we are ridiculously proud of it as if we had thought it up ourselves in a moment of brilliant inspiration.

    A face is like a name. It must have happened sometime toward the end of my childhood: I kept looking in the mirror for such a long time that I finally believed that was I was seeing was myself. My recollection of this period is very vague, but I know that the discovery of the self must have been intoxicating. Yet there comes a time when you stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself: This is myself? And why? Why did I want to identify with this? What do I care about this face? And at that moment everything starts to crumble.

January 5, 2008

  • There is no doubt when people come to a tattoo artist that they are fully aware that a certain amount of physical pain is involved. Most come to commemorate some sort of milestone or crossroads in their life. A lot of times that involves anything from a deep emotional pain to a happy memory… but whatever the case may be–what I love about what I do is that because of the deep seated and deep rooted reasons people come to get tattoos… it becomes the very reason that sets the art of tattooing far apart from any other artistic industry and medium you can think of… and that is that it allows the pre-suppositions and labels of the classic belief that tattooing is just a needle and ink or that tattooing is for the subcultures of society that encompass anything from criminals, bikers, and punks to the wild and the promiscuous. But you dig deeper and you find that people come in with baggage, whether its happy or sad and they have a story to tell. They sit down in front of you and you begin to tattoo them. What makes it beautiful is that physical pain I was talking about. It becomes something of a catharsis for the client and I’ve seen it a million times already. It’s like you’re watching them evolve and let go before your eyes. They aren’t the only ones who evolve. Every person that comes in offers a piece of themselves and you carry that with you. You hear tattoo artist’s say it all the time… it’s more than just an ink and needle. It’s more than a rebellion taken on by misled youth. It’s soo much more than that now and I’m just thankful to be in the right place at the right time as I watch the tattoo industry grow and become more legit as i pick up a few tricks of the trade before I go on my way to other things.

November 24, 2007

  • Why is the measure of love loss?

    I am thinking of a certain September…

    You said ‘I love you’. Why is it that the most unoriginal thing we can say to one another is still the thing we long to hear? ‘I love you’ is always a quotation. You did not say it first and neither did I, yet when you say it and when I say it we speak like savages who have found three words and worship them…

    Love demands expression. It will not stay still, stay silent, be good, be modest, be seen and not heard, no. It will break out in tongues of praise, the high note that smashes the glass and spills the liquid. It is no conservationist love. It is a big game hunter and you are the game….

    How can you stick at a game when the rules keep changing?